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Sep 19, 2024
In Sreeshan
#Chemistry #curves #graphs #heatingandcoolingcurves #temperature #heat Textbook Pg:- 9,10,11,12,13,14 Heating and cooling curves; ↳Shows how the temperature changes as a substance is heated at a constant rate. → The Y-axis represents the temperature. → The X-axis represents the Time. ⇒ The region where the temperature remains constant while heat is absorbed is called the plateau. The proof of this heating and cooling curves: ↳Kinetic particle theory. Kinetic particle theory: → Matter is made up of particles. → Particles have space between them. → Particles have kinetic energy. → Particles are in motion. → Particles collide. → Collisions are elastic(Meaning they bounce off) → Temperature affects kinetic energy. → State changes, → Intermolecular forces exist. This theory explains the phase transition and heating and cooling curves since how something turns out after an increase in heat and a decrease in heat can be explained through this theory. Reference video↷ HEATING CURVE - How to Read & How TO Draw A Heating Curve - [ AboodyTV ] - Chemistry
Heating and cooling curves content media
Sep 11, 2024
In Sreeshan
#textbook #chemistry Pg:- 7,8 Ch:- 1 A pure substance is a material that consists of only one type of particle, meaning it has a uniform and definite composition throughout. This can be an element or a compound. • Pure substances have specific melting and boiling points, which are used to identify and distinguish them from mixtures. • Every sample of a pure substance has the same physical and chemical properties. • It is uniform in composition; the properties are the same regardless of where you sample it within the substance. Elements are the simplest pure substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Examples include oxygen (O₂), gold (Au), and hydrogen (H₂). Compounds are pure substances formed when two or more elements chemically combine in fixed ratios. Examples include water (H₂O), carbon dioxide (CO₂), and sodium chloride (NaCl). Types of Matter - Elements, Compounds, Mixtures, and Pure Substances
Pure substance content media
Sep 09, 2024
In Sreeshan
#textbook #chemsitry #statesofmatter For the weekly test, I am doing chemistry this week and I am going to start from the beginning so that I can make sure I understand everything. Pg:- 3,4,5 Ch:- 1  Phase transitions: Phase transition is when a Physical state of matter changes into another due to additional or removal of energy, which leads to the rearranging of molecules, and change in movement of particles. One of the phase transitions is melting: Melting is when a Solid absorbs heat, meaning it absorbs more energy making it vibrate more vigorously. As the temperature reaches the melting point, the particles have enough energy to overcome the forces holding them in a fixed position, allowing them to move more freely. Example: Ice melting into water. Another one of the phase transition is Freezing: Freezing is the reverse of melting. When a liquid loses heat, its particles slow down and lose energy. As the temperature drops to the freezing point, the particles become sufficiently attracted to one another to form a fixed, orderly structure, turning the liquid into a solid. Example: Water freezing into ice. Then comes Vaporising: Vaporization occurs when a liquid absorbs enough heat for its particles to gain sufficient energy to overcome intermolecular forces and escape into the gas phase. Vaporization can occur in two ways: • Boiling: This happens when the liquid's temperature reaches its boiling point, and vaporization occurs throughout the liquid. • Evaporation: Occurs at the surface of the liquid at temperatures below the boiling point. Example: Boiling water turning into steam. Condensation: Condensation is the reverse of vaporization. When a gas loses heat, its particles lose energy and slow down. As they lose kinetic energy, the particles move closer together, forming bonds and transitioning into a liquid state. Example: Water vapor condensing into dew(Moisture). Sublimation: Sublimation occurs when a solid gains enough energy to bypass the liquid state and transition directly into a gas. This process requires a significant input of energy to overcome the strong intermolecular forces in the solid. Example: Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) sublimating into carbon dioxide gas. Deposition: Deposition is the reverse of sublimation, where a gas loses enough energy to transition directly into a solid without passing through the liquid phase. This occurs when gas particles come into close contact and form a solid. Example: Frost forming on a cold surface. Ionization: Ionization occurs when a gas is heated to extremely high temperatures or subjected to a strong electric field, causing its atoms to lose electrons and form a plasma—a state of matter consisting of free electrons and ions. Example: The formation of a plasma in stars or neon lights. Recombination: Recombination, or deionization, occurs when a plasma loses energy, causing ions and electrons to recombine into neutral atoms, transitioning the state back to a gas. Example: Plasma cooling down to form a neutral gas. These can all be classified into two kinds of changes: • Endothermic Changes: Melting, vaporization, sublimation, and ionization absorb heat, causing particles to move faster and break free from their current state. • Exothermic Changes: Freezing, condensation, deposition, and recombination release heat, causing particles to slow down and come together. *The best video, it is only 30 seconds yet it explain everything i just said:* States of Matter and Phase Transitions Animation
Changes in state content media
Sep 06, 2024
In Sreeshan
#physics #speed #acceleration #calculatingspeed Pg:- 34,35,36 Ch:- 2 Textbook Speed Definition: Speed is a scalar quantity that measures how fast an object is moving. It is the rate at which an object covers distance. Speed does not take into account the direction of motion. Formula: Speed = Distance/Time Units: • The standard unit of speed is meters per second (m/s). • Other common units include kilometers per hour (km/h) and miles per hour (mph). If a car travels 150 meters in 15 seconds, its speed is: 150meters/ 15 sec = 10m/s Velocity: Definition: Though velocity is not speed, it is often discussed alongside it because it measures how fast an object moves and in what direction. Velocity is a vector quantity. Formula: Velocity = Displacement/time Acceleration: Definition: Acceleration is a vector quantity that measures the rate of change of velocity over time. It indicates how quickly an object speeds up, slows down, or changes direction. Acceleration = change in velocity/ Time taken Units: • The standard unit of acceleration is meters per second squared (m/s²). Types of Acceleration: 1. Positive Acceleration: When an object speeds up. 2. Negative Acceleration (Deceleration): When an object slows down. 3. Zero Acceleration: When an object moves at constant velocity. Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration | Physics of Motion Explained
Calculating speed and acceleration and units. content media
Sep 04, 2024
In Sreeshan
#physics #science #describingmotion #acceleration #deceleration Ch:- 2 Pg:- 30,31,32,3 -Acceleration is the rate at which an object’s velocity changes with time. It measures how quickly an object speeds up, slows down, or changes direction. Acceleration = change in velocity/ change in time. Types of Acceleration: 1. Constant Acceleration: The acceleration is uniform; examples include free fall under gravity (ignoring air resistance). 2. Variable Acceleration: The acceleration changes over time; examples include a car accelerating unevenly due to changing forces. 3. Centripetal Acceleration: This occurs in circular motion and points towards the center of the circular path, altering the direction rather than the speed. -Deceleration is a specific type of acceleration where the velocity of an object decreases over time. It's commonly referred to as negative acceleration because it acts in the opposite direction of the object's motion. Mathematical Expression: The same formula applies, but the acceleration value will be negative if the object is slowing down. Key Differences 1. Direction of Change: • Acceleration increases velocity (positive direction). • Deceleration decreases velocity (negative direction). 2. Physical Intuition: • Acceleration occurs when an object speeds up, like a car moving faster when you press the gas pedal. • Deceleration happens when an object slows down, like braking a car.
Sep 02, 2024
In Sreeshan
#biology #tissue #organs #organsystems #organism Pg:- 35,36,37 Textbook Ch:- 2 Tissues: Definition: Tissues are groups of similar cells that work together to perform a specific function. They are the building blocks of organs and provide structural and functional support. Types of Tissues: 1. Epithelial Tissue: Covers body surfaces, lines cavities, and forms glands. It serves as a protective barrier, involved in absorption, secretion, and filtration. Examples include skin, the lining of the intestines, and glands. 2. Connective Tissue: Supports, binds, and protects other tissues and organs. It includes a variety of structures such as bones, tendons, blood, and fat. This tissue type provides structural support, stores energy, and helps in immune responses. 3. Muscle Tissue: Responsible for movement. It can contract and relax, allowing voluntary movement (like skeletal muscles) and involuntary movement (like cardiac and smooth muscles). Examples include heart muscles and muscles in the digestive tract. 4. Nervous Tissue: Composed of neurons and supporting cells, nervous tissue is responsible for transmitting electrical signals throughout the body. It enables communication between different body parts and controls bodily functions. Found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Organs: Definition: An organ is a structure composed of two or more types of tissues that work together to perform specific, complex functions. Each organ has a unique role in the body. Examples of Organs: • Heart: Made up of cardiac muscle tissue, connective tissue, and epithelial tissue, the heart pumps blood throughout the body, supplying oxygen and nutrients to cells. • Lungs: Comprising epithelial tissue and connective tissue, the lungs facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and the air. • Stomach: Contains muscle tissue for churning food, epithelial tissue for lining, and connective tissue to support the structure; it helps in digesting food. Organ systems: Definition: Organ systems are groups of organs that work together to perform major functions or meet physiological needs of the body. Each system is specialized for a specific set of tasks and relies on coordinated organ interactions. Major Organ Systems: 1. Circulatory System: Includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood. It transports nutrients, gases, and wastes throughout the body. 2. Respiratory System: Composed of the lungs, trachea, and nasal passages. It facilitates breathing, allowing oxygen intake and carbon dioxide expulsion. 3. Digestive System: Includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, and liver. It breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, and eliminates waste. 4. Nervous System: Composed of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It controls body activities through nerve signals and maintains homeostasis. 5. Skeletal System: Includes bones, joints, and cartilage. It provides structural support, protects organs, and facilitates movement. 6. Muscular System: Composed of skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, and smooth muscles. It enables movement, posture, and heat production. 7. Endocrine System: Consists of glands that produce hormones, regulating growth, metabolism, and reproductive processes. 8. Immune System: Composed of white blood cells, lymph nodes, and spleen. It defends the body against infections and diseases. 9. Reproductive System: Includes organs like the ovaries, testes, and associated structures. It is responsible for producing gametes and enabling reproduction. 10. Integumentary System: Composed of the skin, hair, and nails. It protects the body, regulates temperature, and senses the external environment. 11. Excretory System: Includes kidneys, bladder, and urethra. It removes waste products from the body and maintains water and salt balance. The organism: Definition: An organism is a complete living entity that represents the highest level of organization. It can be a single-celled organism, like bacteria, or a complex multicellular organism, like humans. • Integration of Systems: In a multicellular organism, all organ systems work in harmony to maintain life. For example, the circulatory and respiratory systems work together to deliver oxygen to tissues, while the nervous and endocrine systems regulate body functions. • Homeostasis: The organism strives to maintain internal balance (homeostasis) despite external changes. This dynamic equilibrium is crucial for survival and involves complex feedback mechanisms. Summary of Hierarchical Organization: 1. Tissues: Groups of similar cells performing a function. 2. Organs: Structures composed of tissues working together. 3. Organ Systems: Groups of organs coordinating to perform bodily functions. 4. Organism: The complete living being with all systems working together.
Sep 02, 2024
In Sreeshan
#time #timeinterval #framesofreference #textbook #physics #measuringunits Pg:- 9,10,11 Textbook Time: Time is a continuous and irreversible progression in which events occur in a sequence from the past, through the present, and into the future. It is a scalar quantity, meaning it has magnitude but no direction. Time can be measured using various units, the most common being seconds, minutes, and hours. Time interval: A time interval is the difference between two points in time. Mathematically, if you have two moments, ​t1 and ​t2, the time interval Δt between these moments is given by: t2 - t1. This interval can be positive or negative, depending on which time point is considered the starting point. In most practical scenarios, Δt is taken as positive, representing the flow of time from past to future. Application of time intervals: • Motion Analysis: In mechanics, time intervals are used to calculate velocity, acceleration, and other kinematic properties. • Oscillatory Motion: In physics, the time interval can be used to determine the period of oscillations in pendulums, springs, or circuits. • Atomic and Subatomic Processes: In quantum mechanics, time intervals can be crucial for understanding decay rates and particle lifetimes. Frames of reference: A frame of reference is a coordinate system within which an observer measures positions, velocities, and other physical quantities. The concept of frames of reference is crucial for understanding how time and space are perceived and measured. Types of Frames of Reference: 1. Inertial Frames: A frame of reference in which an object either remains at rest or moves at a constant velocity if no forces act upon it. In such frames, the laws of physics, particularly Newton’s laws of motion, hold true without modification. 2. Non-Inertial Frames: These are accelerating frames of reference. In non-inertial frames, fictitious forces, such as the Coriolis force and centrifugal force, need to be introduced to describe the motion accurately.
Aug 29, 2024
In Sreeshan
#chemistry #textbook #mole Pg:- 116,117,118,119 from textbook 1. Using Mass and Molar Mass This method is one of the most commonly used and is straightforward when you know the mass of the substance and its molar mass. • Mass of the substance (in grams): The mass of the sample you have, measured in grams. • Molar mass (g/mol): The mass of one mole of a given substance, usually found on the periodic table for elements or calculated for compounds. 2. Using Volume (for Gases) and Molar Volume For gases at standard temperature and pressure (STP: 0°C, 1 atm), the volume of one mole of an ideal gas is 22.4 liters. • This formula is useful for gaseous substances when given volume data. 3. Using the Number of Particles and Avogadro's Number If you know the number of particles (atoms, molecules, ions, etc.) of a substance, you can use Avogadro's number, which is 6.022×10^23 particles per mole. • This is particularly useful in chemical reactions where the number of atoms or molecules is given. 4. Using Concentration and Volume (for Solutions) For solutions, the concentration of the solute in moles per liter (molarity, M) and the volume of the solution in liters can be used to calculate moles. • This method is especially used in titrations and preparing chemical solutions. 5. Using Density and Molar Mass (for Liquids and Solutions) Sometimes, you know the density of a liquid and need to find the number of moles. This approach involves calculating the mass from the density and then using the molar mass to find moles. • This method is particularly useful when dealing with pure liquids or concentrated solutions.
Different methods of finding the mole in different units content media
Aug 28, 2024
In Sreeshan
#electronconfiguration #quantumphysics #chemistry We discussed this topic from Save My Exams. This is the quantum level of electron configuration I don't understand half of what I have written • Electron configuration is the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus of an atom in its atomic orbitals. • Electrons are organized in shells and subshells around the nucleus, and their arrangement follows specific rules based on the principles of quantum mechanics. Aufbau Principle: • Electrons occupy orbitals, which are regions around the nucleus where the probability of finding an electron is high. • Electrons fill atomic orbitals starting from the lowest energy level to higher energy levels. This is often visualized using the "Aufbau diagram," which shows the order in which subshells are filled. Pauli Exclusion Principle: • No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers. This means an orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons with opposite spins. Hund's Rule: • When electrons occupy orbitals of the same subshell (degenerate orbitals), they fill them singly first, with parallel spins, before pairing up. This minimizes electron-electron repulsion and maximizes stability. To write the electron configuration of an element: 1. Determine the total number of electrons in the atom. 2. Fill the orbitals following the Aufbau principle, considering the maximum capacity of each type of orbital: • s subshell: 2 electrons • p subshell: 6 electrons • d subshell: 10 electrons • f subshell: 14 electrons 3. Follow Hund's Rule and the Pauli Exclusion Principle when placing electrons in the orbitals.
Aug 27, 2024
In Sreeshan
#biology #basics #mrsgren (save my exams) Movement • Definition: Movement refers to the ability of an organism to change its position or internal state. • Explanation: This includes both the movement of the whole organism (like an animal moving from one place to another) and the movement of parts of the organism (like plants growing towards light or the flow of blood within an animal's body). Respiration • Definition: Respiration is the process by which organisms convert oxygen and glucose into energy. • Explanation: This process is vital as it provides the energy needed for other life processes. In animals and plants, this generally involves taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide as a waste product. Sensitivity • Definition: Sensitivity, or responsiveness, is the ability of an organism to detect and respond to changes in its environment. • Explanation: This characteristic allows organisms to react to stimuli such as light, temperature, sound, and touch. For example, plants may grow towards light, and animals may move away from danger. Growth • Definition: Growth is the process by which organisms increase in size and mass. • Explanation: This involves the development of new cells and the enlargement of existing ones. Growth is an essential characteristic as it enables organisms to mature and eventually reproduce. Reproduction • Definition: Reproduction is the process by which organisms produce new individuals or offspring. • Explanation: This can occur sexually (involving the fusion of gametes from two parents) or asexually (where a single organism produces offspring identical to itself). Reproduction ensures the continuation of a species. Excretion • Definition: Excretion is the removal of waste products from an organism’s body. • Explanation: Metabolic processes generate waste products that can be toxic if they accumulate. Excretion ensures these waste products are expelled from the body, maintaining homeostasis. Nutrition • Definition: Nutrition is the process by which organisms obtain and use food to support their life processes. • Explanation: Nutrition involves the intake of nutrients, which are used to produce energy, grow, and maintain the organism. Plants typically use photosynthesis to produce food, while animals consume other organisms.
Aug 24, 2024
In Sreeshan
Pg:- 33 #cell #biology #partofcell Mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell Structure of Mitochondria: Mitochondria have a unique double-membrane structure: 1. Outer Membrane: This membrane is relatively permeable to ions and small molecules, allowing for the exchange of substances between the mitochondrion and the cytoplasm. 2. Inner Membrane: This membrane is highly selective and contains many folds called cristae, which increase the surface area for energy production. The inner membrane houses the proteins and enzymes involved in the electron transport chain and ATP synthesis. 3. Matrix: The innermost compartment, filled with enzymes, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), ribosomes, and various molecules involved in metabolic processes. Primary Functions of Mitochondria: 1. ATP Production: The most well-known function of mitochondria is the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell's primary energy currency. This process occurs through oxidative phosphorylation, where electrons are transferred through the electron transport chain, ultimately leading to the generation of ATP from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). 2. Regulation of Cellular Metabolism: Mitochondria are central to various metabolic pathways, including the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) and fatty acid oxidation. These pathways break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, providing the necessary substrates for ATP production. 3. Calcium Homeostasis: Mitochondria help regulate intracellular calcium levels, which is crucial for numerous cellular functions, including muscle contraction, signal transduction, and cell death. 4. Apoptosis (Programmed Cell Death): Mitochondria play a key role in apoptosis by releasing cytochrome c, a component of the electron transport chain, into the cytoplasm. This release triggers a cascade of events that lead to cell death, which is essential for eliminating damaged or unwanted cells. 5. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Production and Detoxification: During ATP production, mitochondria generate reactive oxygen species as byproducts. While ROS are important signaling molecules, excessive ROS can damage cellular components, leading to oxidative stress. Mitochondria have mechanisms to detoxify ROS, maintaining cellular health. 6. Steroid Synthesis: Mitochondria are involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones, particularly in tissues like the adrenal glands. These hormones are vital for regulating metabolism, immune response, and other physiological functions.
Aug 20, 2024
In Sreeshan
#physics #maths #barcharts #datahandeling Pg:- 8,9 Ch:-1 Its a important tool that can be used in measuring A bar chart is a graphical representation used to display and compare the frequency, count, or other measure of different categories of data. It consists of rectangular bars, where the length or height of each bar is proportional to the value it represents. Axes: • X-Axis (Horizontal Axis): This typically represents the categories or groups being compared. Each bar corresponds to a category. • Y-Axis (Vertical Axis): This axis represents the value or frequency associated with each category. It could be a count, percentage, or other numerical data. In an experiment measuring the growth of plants under different light conditions, each bar might represent a different type of light (e.g., sunlight, fluorescent light, LED light), and the height of the bar would show the average growth of the plants under each condition. A bar chart could display the annual rainfall in different regions over several years, with each year’s data represented by a different color within the bars.  In scientific research, bar charts can be used to simplify complex datasets by summarizing the data into meaningful categories. In environmental science, a bar chart could summarize the concentration of pollutants in different water samples, making it easier to present the data to policymakers or the public.
Aug 20, 2024
In Sreeshan
Based on textbook/save my exam Ch:- 1 Pg:- 4,5,6,7,8,9 (All of these pages compressed into save my exam) • While measuring anything the viewer must be directly above the reference line to be able to read the correct measure. Parallax error: A human error that occurs when an object's position appears to shift when viewed from different angles. • We can measure the volume of fluid in a cylinder by bending down to view the meniscus straight on; this also reduces the parallax error in the value obtained. How to increase the accuracy of an experiment: • Take repeat measurements of the same diameter. • Calculating an average diameter from all these measurements. How can we calculate volume: Having measured the lengths of different regularly shaped objects you can: • Convert length into standard units of meters • Calculate the volume using the correct mathematical formula depending on the shape. DEVICES USED IN MEASURING AND THEIR DEFINITION (exam tip) ⇸A ruler is a device used to measure small distances of a few centimeters. ⇸A tape measure is appropriate for measuring distances of a few meters. ⇸A trundle wheel is used to measure large distances up to a kilometer. ⇸A measuring cylinder is a device used to measure the volume of liquids. ⇸A stopwatch can be used to measure time intervals. ⇸Reaction time is how long it takes someone to react to an event. average = total value/number of values The purpose of taking multiple readings in physics is to obtain an accurate measurement value.
Aug 19, 2024
In Sreeshan
Pg:- 117,118 Ch:- 5 #chemistry #mole #titration • Titration is a laboratory technique used in chemistry to determine the concentration of an unknown solution by reacting it with a solution of known concentration, called the titrant. This method is commonly used in acid-base reactions but can also be applied to redox reactions, precipitation reactions, and complexometric titrations. Procedure: • Setup: • A burette is filled with the titrant (solution of known concentration). • The analyte (solution of unknown concentration) is placed in a flask, often with an indicator that changes color at the equivalence point. • Procedure: • The titrant is slowly added to the analyte while the solution is stirred. • The addition continues until the reaction reaches the equivalence point, where the amount of titrant is stoichiometrically equivalent to the amount of analyte. At this point, the indicator changes color, signaling that the titration is complete. • Equivalence Point: • The equivalence point is where the moles of titrant equal the moles of analyte, according to the balanced chemical equation. This point is crucial for calculating the concentration of the unknown solution. • End Point: • The end point of a titration is indicated by a noticeable change in the system, such as a color change due to the indicator. Ideally, the end point should coincide with the equivalence point. Types: • Acid-Base Titration: • Used to determine the concentration of an acid or base. The titrant is usually a strong acid or base, and the indicator is chosen based on the expected pH at the equivalence point (e.g., phenolphthalein for strong acid-strong base titrations). • Redox Titration: • Involves a redox reaction where the titrant and analyte undergo an oxidation-reduction process. Potassium permanganate (KMnO₄) is a common titrant used in redox titrations. • Precipitation Titration: • Relies on the formation of a precipitate during the reaction between the titrant and the analyte. For example, silver nitrate (AgNO₃) can be used to determine the concentration of chloride ions by forming a precipitate of silver chloride (AgCl). • Complexometric Titration: • Used to determine concentrations of metal ions through the formation of a complex. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a common titrant in this type of titration.
Aug 19, 2024
In Sreeshan
Pg:- 27,28 Ch:- 2 #biology #plantcells #respiration #dailypost Plant cells: • Plant cells differ from animal cells in several ways because they have extra structures: A cell wall, chloroplasts, and sap vacuoles. Cell wall: • The cell wall contains cellulose. • It is non-living and allows water and dissolved substances to pass through it. Vacuole: • Most mature plant cells have a large, fluid-filled space called a vacuole. • Vacuole contains cell sap, a watery solution of sugars, salts, and sometimes pigments. • Animal cells may sometimes have small vacuoles in their cytoplasm but they are not permanent. Chloroplasts: • Chloroplasts are organelles that contain the green substance chlorophyll. • The shape of a cell when seen in a transverse section is quiet different from when the same cell is seen in a longitudinal section. Aerobic respiration: • Aerobic respiration is a chemical process that uses oxygen to convert carbohydrates into energy. • A process where oxygen-breathing creatures turn fuel such as fats or sugar into energy with the help of oxygen. • The key organelle inside cells of aerobic respiration is the mitochondria. • Glucose from food goes through multiple processes inside mitochondria such as glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain. • One piece of glucose, with the help of 6 molecules of oxygen can produce 36 molecules of adenosine triphosphate(ATP) as well as 6 carbon dioxide molecules and 6 water molecules. • When humans are doing work that requir strain like running, the cells face a shortage of oxygen and the cell becomes anaerobic, that's why while working out your cells produce lactic acid and you feel cramps and fatigue. • Anaerobic respiration turns 1 glucose turns into 2 ethanol, 2 carbon dioxide, and energy of 2 ATP. Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
Plant cells, Aerobic, and anaerobic respiration content media
Aug 16, 2024
In Sreeshan
Pg:-26 (I have already read till Pg:33 but this is based on my notes.) #biology #textbook #cytoplasm #cellmembrane #nucleus Cytoplasm: • The cytoplasm is about 90% water, with molecules of salt and sugar dissolved in it. • Enzymes control the rate and type of chemical reactions that take place in cells(This is all in the cytoplasm) • Some enzymes are attached to the membrane systems of the cell, while others float freely in the liquid part of the cytoplasm. Cell membrane: • A cell membrane is a thin layer of cytoplasm around the outside of the cell. • It stops the cell contents from escaping and controls which substances can enter and leave the cell. • Oxygen, food, and water are allowed to enter; waste products are allowed to leave; and harmful substances are kept out. Nucleus: • Most cells contain one nucleus. • The function of the nucleus is to control the type and quantity of enzymes produced by the cytoplasm. • The nucleus controls what cell the cell will be, Like muscle cell or never cell, etc. • The nucleus also controls cell division. • Inside the nucleus are thread-like structures called chromosomes, which is seen when the cell is dividing.
Aug 13, 2024
In Sreeshan
#chemistry #textbook #calculation Pg:- 111, 112 Ch:- 5 • The amount of product you get from a chemical reaction is called yield. • The unit of yield can be grams or moles. The reason why we might not get the predicted yield: • The reaction might not all react. • Side reaction. • Lose some product during the process. There are two terms of yield: 1. Actual yield. (The amount of yield we actually get) 2. Theoretical yield. (The amount of yield we expect to get based on the calculation) Calculating the percentage yield: (Actual yield/theoretical yield) * 100 GCSE Chemistry - Percentage Yield #33
Percentage yield content media
Aug 13, 2024
In Sreeshan
#biology #cellmembrane #target Pg:- 28,29 (Major info is from the internet) 1. Epithelial Membranes: These membranes consist of an epithelial layer and an underlying connective tissue layer. They serve as protective barriers and are involved in absorption, secretion, and filtration. A. Mucous Membranes (Mucosa) • Location: These membranes line body cavities that open to the exterior, such as the respiratory, digestive, and urogenital tracts, and eyes. • Structure: Composed of an epithelial layer (which can be simple columnar, pseudostratified columnar, or stratified squamous depending on the location) and an underlying layer of connective tissue called the lamina propria. • Function: They produce mucus, which keeps the membranes moist, traps pathogens, and aids in lubrication. In the digestive system, they also aid in absorption and secretion. B. Serous Membranes (Serosa) • Location: These membranes line closed body cavities, such as the thoracic cavity (pleura), abdominal cavity (peritoneum), and the pericardial cavity around the heart. • Structure: Consists of a simple squamous epithelium known as mesothelium, supported by a thin layer of connective tissue. • Function: Serous membranes secrete a thin, watery fluid called serous fluid, which lubricates the surfaces of organs, reducing friction as they move against each other (e.g., lung expansion, heart beating). C. Cutaneous Membrane (Skin) • Location: The skin covers the entire body surface. • Structure: It is composed of a stratified squamous epithelial layer (epidermis) and an underlying connective tissue layer (dermis). • Function: The cutaneous membrane protects the body from mechanical damage, pathogens, and dehydration. It also plays a role in temperature regulation, sensation, and vitamin D synthesis. 2. Connective Tissue Membranes: These membranes consist entirely of connective tissue, without any epithelial cells. They provide support, protection, and compartmentalization of body structures. A. Synovial Membranes • Location: These membranes line the cavities of freely movable joints, such as the knee, elbow, and shoulder. • Structure: Composed of a layer of synoviocytes (specialized connective tissue cells) and an underlying connective tissue layer. • Function: Synovial membranes produce synovial fluid, which lubricates and nourishes the cartilage in joints, reducing friction and facilitating smooth movement. B. Meninges • Location: The meninges are membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. • Structure: The meninges consist of three layers—dura mater (outer), arachnoid mater (middle), and pia mater (inner)—each providing different levels of protection and support. • Function: They protect the central nervous system, contain cerebrospinal fluid (which cushions the brain and spinal cord), and form a barrier against pathogens. C. Periosteum and Perichondrium • Location: • Periosteum: Surrounds bones. • Perichondrium: Surrounds cartilage. • Structure: Both membranes consist of dense irregular connective tissue. • Function: • Periosteum: Supports bone health by providing a surface for the attachment of muscles and tendons, as well as housing osteoblasts that are involved in bone growth and repair. • Perichondrium: Provides nutrients to the cartilage and supports its growth and repair.
Aug 10, 2024
In Sreeshan
#moleconcept #chemistery #molevsparticles Pg:- 106,107 Mole • Definition: A mole is a unit of measurement in chemistry used to express amounts of a chemical substance. It is one of the seven base units in the International System of Units (SI). • Value: One mole of any substance contains exactly 6.022 * 10^23 entities (Avogadro's number), whether they are atoms, molecules, ions, or other particles. • Usage: The concept of the mole allows chemists to count and compare the number of particles in a given sample. For example, one mole of carbon-12 atoms has a mass of 12 grams and contains 6.022 * 10^23 carbon atoms. Particles • Definition: The term "particles" is more general and can refer to atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, or any small entities in physics and chemistry. • Nature: Particles are the building blocks of matter. Depending on the context, "particles" could refer to different things. For example, in a gas, particles are typically atoms or molecules, while in a solution, particles could be ions. • Scale: The number of particles can be counted or described in different units, such as a mole (which contains Avogadro's number of particles), or individually (e.g., a certain number of atoms). Relationship Between Mole and Particles • Connection: The mole provides a bridge between the macroscopic scale, where substances are measured in grams or liters, and the microscopic scale, where the substance is composed of individual particles. • Conversion: To determine the number of particles in a sample, you can use the relationship: Number of particles = No of moles * 6.022 10^23 • No of moles = no of particles/ 6.022 * 10^23
Aug 08, 2024
In Sreeshan
#chemistry #empiricalformula #moleconcept Pg:- 105,106 There is an efficient way of finding the Empirical formula of a compound and that is by making a table. Here let's find the empirical formula of Phosphorus pentoxide: P O % by mass: 44% . 100 - 44 = 56% Mass in 100g: 44g . 56g Molar mass: 31g/mol . 16g/mol no of moles: 1.4 mol . 3.5 Simplest ratio: 2 . 5 Formula: P2O5



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