Trigger is the breaking point. It arrives silenty, setting into the lives it touches like a shadow through the moments when plans fall apart, loved ones slep away or the future seems too distant to grasp. It dosen't have a shape or a face;it simply exists, pressing against the edges of everything, daring the world to continue. But then comes Glimmer, it dosen't erase trigger. It dosen't fix the shattered pieces or undo the damage. Instead, it weaves itself into the cracks. It's a beam of light through a window on a stormy day, the laugh of a child carried on the shore. Glimmer is small, fleeting and oftan unnoticed. But it's there. In every trigger, glimmer finds its way. The cracks in the world let it seep through, not as a solution, but as a remainder, even in chaos, somthing beautiful can remain. And so, the cycle continues. Trigger bends and breaks, while glimmer rises and glows. Togeter, they are the rhythem of life, the pain and the hope, the fall and the rise. No heroes, no villians, only the quiet resilience of the world itself