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Time Frame

Time Frame is something essential in our life, time frame proclaims itself as a determinant to success. Time frame is basically time but categorized into different periods, for example if you have atomic goal to achieve like 6 to 7 pm study and 7 to 8 pm reading, you have 2 atomic goals to achieve and you have a time frame for it. Time is eternal but time frames aren't, god is something i believe in, god, believed to create endless floating time, it just keeps moving but there are certain wanted and important scenes where time frame is recorded, tomorrow if our earth ended god would record a time frame of human existence, from growing a small sapling under the light hazel color of sun to exploring the sun from a rocket, all of these require time frames. Time is just like small drops of water dropping on a huge stone, you think nothing is affecting the stone but day by day the life of stone keeps decreasing and after a point it breaks, similar to human life we cant skip death but if you wanna frame your life categorize every moment and have a daily itenary on everything you do

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1 comentário

09 de jul.

Bro this should have 9 marks. It's so good!

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