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  • Writer's pictureMalu

Restarting : A swimming Pool!

You Should restart when you know that you're in the wrong path. You will regret when you're lost in the wrong path. Restarting is a choice and regretting is a feeling. Regret never stop holding you until you escape from the path. Restarting is a choice among the hundreds of choices and it's your freedom to choose. Many of us are hold back from choosing restart because of 1 thing, fear, A powerful feeling which holds you from swimming in a swimming pool but which makes you swim in a pond of alligators. Here you're scared to be late, You're scared to be the odd one out. You're to disappoint the society, and the only thing that you're not scared to do is, sacrifice YOU. But always remember, It's not about being late, It's about how efficient it was, It's not about disappointing the society, It's about changing the society, It's not about being the odd, It's about being alive, and about sacrificing yourself? It's the worst thing you can do. Having Regret for not Restarting? You still have Time.

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