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Pencils Have Erasers for a Reason: Embracing Mistakes in Life's Drafts

pencils have eraser because mistakes are inevitable in life , much like in writing , an eraser can symbolizes the chance to correct those errors , to redefine our paths , and to refine your thoughts . its a humble yet profound reminder that perfection isn't prerequisite for progress . imagine life as a giant sketchbook , and each day is a new page , we draw our experiences , our choices , and sometimes our missteps . the eraser gives us the opportunity to acknowledge our flaws , learn from them , and move forward with clear vision . its not about erasing our past but about learning and adapting from it . In my life , i see the eraser as a symbol of growth . each time i rub away a mistake . Im reminded that its okay to falter , to stumble and to change course . its a reassurance that every error is stepping stone towards becoming a better version of myself . the eraser , in the quiet persistence teaches me resilience , patience and beauty of second chances , its a small tool


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