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A dog family which has torn apart. In one day

Writer: Karthikeyan AKarthikeyan A

Updated: Dec 2, 2024

I was thinking the old memories were my dog had a family in one day but everything changes. It all started when a female kombai got five kids . (If you don't know kombai is a dog breed , if you wants to know more search google ) My dad was going through facebook in search of dog and he saw this breed . He liked this breed and saw if anyone was selling puppy is of this breed . He got the seller and that seller was the owner of that female kombai that has five kids . He send us photo of puppy . We want a boy so he send us the photos of male puppy . When my dad saw one puppy he like it so he said that he want that puppy so the owner was in tamil nadu so he put the puppy in the crate and he got into the bus and after one he reach my home and give it to my dad and my dad give him the money . We named him jojo . We have a Dobermann which died when jojo was three so we disided to buy a female kombai . We saw a female kombai in photo and diesided .



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