Around 14 billion years ago, the Universe began from a very small region that was extremely hot and dense
Then there was a giant explosion, which is known as the Big Bang
This caused the universe to expand from a single point, cooling as it does so, to form the universe today
Each point expands away from the others
This is seen from galaxies moving away from each other, and the further away they are the faster they move
As a result of the initial explosion, the Universe continues to expand
An analogy of this is points drawn on a balloon where the balloon represents space and the points as galaxies
When the balloon is deflated, all the points are close together and an equal distance apart
As the balloon expands, all the points become further apart by the same amount
This is because the space itself has expanded between the galaxies
Therefore, the density of galaxies falls as the Universe expands
Evidence for the Big Bang:
Evidence from CMB Radiation: