| Updates as per my time table, reply for the comments for you | | | | | |
| Post a topic based on your text book | | | | | |
| Answered all questions on my posts till the previous date. | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Reduce device time in to half an hour in a day (Phone calls, TV, youtube, sports videos, whatsapp, insta, FB etc). Phone should be keep with parents / grandparents | | | | | |
| Involving in cleaning and mopping at Uyir in the morning Or Keep Uyir space clean and beautiful throughout the day. | | | | | |
| Follow health and hygiene rules | | | | | |
| Complete 3 personal responsibilities mentioned by parents | | | | | |
| Support other children or help in their learning at least 20 minutes in a day | | | | | |
| Find time to do more research on your passionate area. ( need extra post other than the subject post) | | | | | |
| 70 % and above marks attain any exam. | | | | | |
When supply is high what is demand?