#chemsitry #quantumphysics #textbook #internet
Pg:- 35
Ch:- 2
technetium-99 is used to detect tumors.
TODINE-131 is used in the treatment of thyroid disorders.
AMERICIUM-241 is used in smoke detectors.
CALIFORNIUM-252 is used in the detection of explosives.
CARBON-14 is used in carbon dating.
URANIUM-238 is used to estimate the age of rocks.
Detecting tumors using Isotopes:
FDG(Fludeoxyglucose f18) is a radioactive glucose.
When FDG is injected into the body, if there is cancer, it will take a large proportion of the FDG which later on radiates, acting as a beacon for the scanner.
FDG is one of the many radioactive chemicals used in PET(positron emission tomography.)
The radioactive substances produced in the particle accelerator are called cyclotrons.
The isotope used in PET is decay by positron emission, positron is an electron with a positive charge. During the emission, the positron collides with an electron in the surroundings which causes a tiny nuclear reaction in which the mass of the two particles is converted into two high-energy photons.
The paired radiation then detects the high-energy photons detects in the scanner walls (The detectors are paired because the two photons go in opposite directions.)
positron is emitted through beta decay. There are two types of beta decay
Beta-minus decay.
Beta-plus decay.
Eg of beta minus:- Carbon-14 turns into nitrogen-14 + Antineutrino +electron.
Eg:- of beta plus:- Carbon-10 + Neutrino + positron.
Every time atomic nuclei come together or break apart(Like in a fission reactor or particle accelerator), they produce neutrinos.
Definition of Neutrinos: A neutrino is a Fermion that interacts only via weak interaction and gravity.
Fermion is a subatomic particle, such as a nucleon, which has a half-integral spin and follows the statistical description given by Fermi and Dirac.
Half-integral spin is a property of particles that are known as fermions.
-Particles with half-integral spin include electrons and quarks.
-Particles with integer spin are bosons.
Use of Nutrinos?