How do solar cells work?
List all energy resources that you know
What are renewable and non renewable sources of energy.egs.
What are solar panels?
What are photo cells or photovoltaic cells?
Explain origin of winds.
Explain why wind power can be traced back to sunlight?
What is the difference between a solar cell and a solar panel?
Describe the adv and disadvantages of solar power
What are bio fuels.egs?
What are fossil fuels?
What is global warming?
What is acid rain?
What form of energy is stored in fossil fuels and bio fuels?
How fossil fuels are formed?
What is nuclear fission?
What is geo thermal energy. explain?
Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power?
What energy is available from moving water?
In what way is hydroelectric power station like a cell and how it can be adapted to act like a rechargeable cell?
What is a boiler?
What are turbines and generators?
What are the factors to regard when comparing energy resources?
What is a water cycle?
What is nuclear fusion?
What is plasma?
Compare how plasma is confined in a star with how he will achieve the same effect here on earth?
Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fusion
Difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
What are the two energy transfers that occur in a hydro electric power station?
Explain how electricity from a hydro electric power station relies on energy from the sun?
State one advantage of using wind turbines instead of coal fired power station to produce electricity?
The demand for electricity is not constant.explain how hydro electric power station can help match supply to demand?
What is the difference between bio fuels and fossil fuels?