Your stomach produces hydorchloric acid. This help us to digest food .
If you have indigestion the stomach will produces more acids.
So to reduse acid we will take alkaline medicines.
Their are millions of bactria in our mouth.
They it eat lefeoverfood from our teeth.
In this time they will produce acid and that acid will damage your teeth.
Toothpaste have alkaline and this will neutralisalion acid in our mouth .
Neutralising lakes
In some parts to the world there are harmful chemicals in the air that make the rain acidic.
This acid damage trees and changes the pH of the lakes, rivers and ponds.
The plants and animals that live in the lakes cannot live in acid conditions.
Some countries drop alkalis into the lakes to neutalise the lake.
Growing crops
In some areas the said is very acidic and plants do not grow well.
Farmers spread lime on the soil to neutralise the acid so that plants can grow better.