it was the time when hindus where ruling but then a afghanistan ruler muhhamad ghori he bought the first battle in india against prithviraj chauhan in the Battle of tarain he lost first battle thus won the second battle and concured delhi so it started all from here . before that i would like to interduce to 5 empires of delhi one is mamluk empire also known as slave empire , khalji empire , tughlaq empire , sayyid empire , lodi empire these are 5 empires so after the victory of ghori he was not interested in india so he made his general qutub-ud-din-aibak the king of delhi this started the mamluk empire u can see up i wrote the empires in order so he started the mamluk empire but u might have a dout why it is known as slave empire because thoese times they cant believe thier top generals or etc so they make thier slaves king or queen thus this is called slave empire . ghori after his victory in india in the returning of afghan he was killed . then back to mamluk . mamluk dyanastie first ruler qutub-ud-din-aibak was very kind when he won wars he gives presents to his people where people call it lack baksh and he is one who build qutub minar , quwat ul islam and adai-din-ka-jhopra like masjid snd comes illtumish who made chalisa and iqta and iqtadar system chalisa is where u have cousils or advisers in your court illtumish had 40 of them and iqta system means soilders get salary on thier position where they work iqtadar means a unique type of land distribution between the sultan and nobility thus his plan was to slove his people problems not to expand peoples territry and he defended genghis khan from india then razia sultana rules she was the first and last queen of delhi then every boy was jealouse of her thus she was killed by her brother muiz-ud-din-baharam then many sultans came and went no one could handle delhi then after 26 years in 1266 mamluks ruler ghiyassudin-balban when balban came he stopped illtumish chalisa system and he made a strong army thus balbal thougth he was a god then he died after some years then muiz-ud-din-qaiqabad became the king he was no strong thus was killed by jalaludin-firuz-khalji this starts the khalji empire khalji started in 1290 muiz-ud-din-qaiqabad son was just 3 years so jalaludin became the king thus in 1296 was killed by his son allaudin khalji allaudin khalji was very cruel ruler he destoryed many temples , universities and manu scripts of hindu kingdoms he had a big empire still he robbed gujrat , ranthambore , chittorgarh but for development he build doors for alai fort and alai darwaza and he loved his general malik zafur alot but they say he was killed by malik kafur then allaudin son ruled kutub-ud-din-mubarak-shah and ministers could not aceept this thus they killed malik kafur and changed the ruler to mubarak shah thus he always drinked and thus was dirty ruler then was killed by his general in 1330 and khalji empires end here tughluq empire comes they ruled for 94 years tughluq empire ghazi malik the king was killed by his son muhhamad bin tughlaq but muhhamad bin takes every decisions without plannning and took a also decision of changing the captital from delhi to auladabad to survive from mongol invasion thus mongols to advantage and invavded delhi bin tughlaq realised his mistake and returned thus mongols took lot of wealth from delhi thus he started to make coin from brass where brass was to cheap and everyone made brass coins and bought lots of gold and saved this made the money system crash he had to change it again to gold and silver coins after his firuz sultan ruled and made lots of city likesuprasidh qila firoz shah , firoz shah pur , hisar , firozabad , fizor pur , jaunpur , jahanpanah and etc in delhi he made a famouse hospital dar-ul-shifa- hospital thus to marry poor girls he made a system of diwan-i-kairat to give people job he made diwan-i-banagadan and give poor people pension diwan-istika ater ruling 37 years he dies thus in 1398 timurid invaded delhi and destoryed delhi killed 2 lak people and took lots of wealth from india and the delhis sultan ran away and made his governer khizir khan the king of delhi this is where sayyid empire starts where sayyid was the strengtless empire where they only rules 64 kilometer alam shah the last king fighting bahlud lodi ran away thus sayyid empire ended and lodi empire established thier kingdom thus they were the first turkish empire who rules delhi after bahlul lodi death sikander lodi ruled who build agras beautiful city and made it capital but his son ibramhim lodi always robbed and was a robber his generals dint like it and called babur from pakistan to rule delhi many say rana sanga called babur to defeat lodi then mughals came to india . i would like to end it here thank you bye
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