Managing the impact of rock and mineral extraction:Soil improvement: After (sanitary) landfilling, mine waste can be covered by a layer of soil, that can be enriched with fertilizers.
Tree planting: After improving soil fertility, plants and trees can be grown in that area, helping an ecosystem to be reborn
Safe disposal of mining waste:The best methods of safe disposal are segregation and composting. After segregating the waste and separating materials for reuse and recycling, the waste material should be disposed of. Care must be taken that waste disposal does not pollute the air, groundwater, surface water and land.
Land restoration and bioremediation:Bioremediation is becoming the most important method accepted as a treatment for hydrocarbon-polluted soil using indigenous microbial flora, which aims to restore soils to their pre-hydrocarbon pollution characteristics.
this segment was really short so it was made really fast