lesson 5.3 pg:no 74
Exothermic reaction
Exo=exit , Thermic=heat .
These reactions give out energy in several ways like .
Heat , Light , Sound , Electricity .
It is also called down hill reaction because product have less energy than reaction .
Endothermic reaction
Endo=to go in , Thermic=heat .
These reaction take in energy in many ways like .
Ice melting .
Photosynthesis .
It is also called a up hill reaction because reaction have less energy than products .
Change spelling of redaction to reduction.
Write egs of endothermic and exothermic reactions
An acid and alkali are reacted together.the temparature increases by 10C. the reaction is:
What is activation energy?
Is there more exothermic or endothermic reaction inside us?
Is exothermic melting or freezing ?
Which type of reaction is more common? Explain.
What is the most powerful exothermic reaction?
What is the hottest exothermic reaction on earth?
What is the symbol for an exothermic reaction?
Who discovered the exothermic reaction?
Is sweating endothermic or exothermic? Explain.