Photosynthesis is the process of plant making food in plants.
Plants use carbon dioxide, water and sunlight to make glucose and oxygen.
Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction .
Carbon dioxide +Water = Glucose + Oxygen (in the presence of sunlight)
Energy transfer
Photosynthesis needs a supply of energy from the sunlight .
During photosynthesis leaves absorb the energy of light.
The energy is stored in glucose.
Glucose store of chemical potential energy .
Photosynthesis happens inside the chloroplasts in a palisade cell like the picture given below
Storing carbohydrates
Glucose = sugar = carbohydrates .
Plants make glucose than they need .
They store some of it for later .
But glucose is soluble in water , so they store change some to carbohydrates -starch.
Thousands of glucose molecules link together to form a starch molecules .
These molecules are too big to dissolve in water .
Starch molecules will be stored in cells , a iodine test can prove it .
What is chloroplast?
What is a palisade cell?
What is an iodine test? How is it done? What are the possible results?