The Determinants of PED - Meaning of determinants is the factors of a change
Some products are more responsive to changes in prices than other products
The factors that determine the responsiveness are called the determinants of PED & include:
Availability of substitutes: good availability of substitutes results in a higher value of PED (relatively elastic)
Addictiveness of the product: addictiveness turns products into necessities resulting in a low value of PED
(relatively inelastic)
Price of product as a proportion of income: the lower the proportion of income the price represents, the lower the PED value will be. Consumers are less responsive to price changes on cheap products (relatively inelastic)
Time period: In the short term, consumers are less responsive to price increases resulting in a low value of PED (relatively inelastic). Over a longer time period consumers may feel the price increase more and will then look for substitutes resulting in a higher value of PED (relatively elastic)
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