The Advantages Of Direct Government Provision Of Goods And Services
The goods and services are accessible to all people in society, regardless of their income or social status.
Consumption of the good or service has private benefits for the individual and external benefits for third parties in society.
The Disadvantages Of Government Provision Of Goods And Services
There is an opportunity cost as the money could have been spent on something else, such as paying off government debt or possibly reducing rates of taxation.
Goods and services which are free of charge may be over-consumed, so long queues or shortages may arise — for example, the waiting list for hip replacement operations in a government hospital may be very long.
In the case of a shortage of supply caused by excess demand, it can be difficult to decide who should be able to take advantage of the free government service.
Some people (known as free riders) are able to take advantage of free goods and services without contributing to government revenue by paying taxes.
How does the government ensure the quality and safety of food provided directly to the public?
What measures are taken to make direct government food provision sustainable and environmentally friendly?
How does direct government provision of food address issues of food affordability and accessibility?
What are the challenges faced by governments in implementing direct food provision programs?
What role do food banks play in the direct provision of food by the government?