The resultant forces that affect a parachute, one of them would be air resistance, but the weight of the object goes against air resistance
When you drop out of a plane, the person starts to accelerate, when the parachute opens, the air resistance slows down the object.
At point i the object starts to accelerate and at point ii, object starts to move at a constant motion, at point iii, the object starts to decelerate
The forces that act on a parachutes motion is the gravitational force caused by the weight and the air resistance that's covered in the parachute
The graph starts to curve downwards, it means that the object started to decelerate
Going Round In Circles
When a object rounds a another object, its because of gravity, a object is attracted by a another object with heavier mass, this is because of gravity, due to the gravitational force of the heavier mass the object is circling about the heavier mass
Example - Moon Around Sun
1. What adjustments should be made to a parachute design if it needs to safely slow down a heavier object?
2. If a parachutist opens their parachute at a very high altitude, how would the thin atmosphere impact the descent speed compared to opening it at a lower altitude?
3. Describe how the force of gravity affects the path of an artificial satellite orbiting Earth. What would happen if the satellite's velocity decreased?
4. How does air resistance affect the energy changes of a parachutist during free fall and after the parachute opens?
5. If Earth’s gravity were weaker, how would this affect the moon’s orbit around Earth?