To find the density of liquid we need a cylinder and after that we need to weight the cylinder , suppose we get 0.15 g weight , now lets add the liquid , suppose the weight is 7.17 , now to find the density of the liquid we subract 7.17 - 0.15 , now the answer is 7.02
1. Density of liquid , Facts
Suppose we pour 4 different liquid in a container , they will arrange themself according to the density they have , the most dense one will go to the bottom and the less dense one will go to the top
That is why oil floats on water
2. Clocks
A digital clock or stopwatch is one that gives a direct reading of the time in numerals.
A digital clock might show a time of 9.58 s. A digital clock records time to a precision of at least one hundredth of a second. You would never see an analogue watch recording times in the Olympic Games.
3. Measuring Short Intervals of time
About the image
This is a lab pendulum. A mass, called a plumb bob, hangs on the end of a string. The string is clamped tightly at the top between two wooden jaws. If you pull the bob gently to one side and release it, the pendulum will swing from side to side
1. Motion in pendulam
When the pendulam swings right and swings towards left and returns , that 1 whole swing is called period
Work done on physics on sunday , monday and tuesday