The market for air travel following the imposition of higher fuel taxes
I made this diagram to explain that there was a rightward shift in the demand which increased the price and quantity of fuel , also the taxes
The market for pepsi cola following a fall in price of coco-cola
This is also a graph i made which represents a fall in price ans supply of the cola company as demand drastically decreased in the soda market
The market for Japanese sushi following a successful marketing campaign promoting the health benefits of eating rice and fish.
This is also a graph i made that the raise of sushi in japan due to the sucess in advertising that its healthy to eat rice and fish thus there was an increase in demand , increasing the price of sushi and also the quantity.
The market for Samsung smartphones following new technologies that improve productivity in its factories.
An increase in supply says that there was an increase in the techology , the new technologies increased demand in them which increase the price and quantity