| Updates as per my time table, reply for the comments for you | | | | | |
| Post a topic based on your text book | | | | | |
| Answered all questions on my posts till the previous date. | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Reduce device time in to half an hour in a day (Phone calls, TV, youtube, sports videos, whatsapp, insta, FB etc). Phone should be keep with parents / grandparents | | | | | |
| Involving in cleaning and mopping at Uyir in the morning Or Keep Uyir space clean and beautiful throughout the day. | | | | | |
| Follow health and hygiene rules | | | | | |
| Complete 3 personal responsibilities mentioned by parents | | | | | |
| Support other children or help in their learning at least 20 minutes in a day | | | | | |
| Find time to do more research on your passionate area. ( need extra post other than the subject post) | | | | | |
| 70 % and above marks attain any exam. | | | | | |
Thanks for the link
Check This Link
1.What is Airborne
2.What is fluid Mechanics
3.The acute angle between the chord line of the wing and the direction of the relative wind is the _____.
4.In straight-and-level, unaccelerated flight, the sum of opposing forces acting on the aircraft is always ___.
5.Lowering flaps increases What
6.The term 'angle of attack' is defined as the angle between the
7.When does P-factor cause the airplane to yaw to the left?
8. What force makes an airplane turn?
9.What are the basic Aerodynamic Quantities
10.What are aerodynamic forces and moments
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