Birds Built nest . they use twigs grass feather,cotton,wool ,leaves and sometimes even mud to build their nest . The nest is very important for the bird keep them safe from bad weather protects them from enemies such as snakes and birds of prey
3. Birds lay their eggs in nest.
4.They Take care of their chicks in the nest till they are ready to fly
Different birds make different kinds of nest.
Nest in Holes
A Wood pecker makes a hole in a tree with its beak. The hole is used as a nest.
Nest in rock
Eagle make their nests on the higher branches of. tall tree or on rock.Their nests are called eyries
A woven nest
A weaver birds uses grass twigs and leaves to weave a nest on tree with its beak . there is a tunnel shaped opening at the bottom of the nest for the bird to enter.
A stitched nest
A tailor bird makes its nest out of large-size leaves . it uses its beak like at needle to stitch the leaves together .
What is the purpose of a bird’s nest beyond just holding eggs?
How do environmental factors influence the construction of bird nests?
What are some examples of birds that do not build traditional nests?
How do birds protect their nests from predators?
How do the nesting habits of birds vary between species?