#biology #teethanddigestion #digestivesystem
Types of Human Teeth
Mechanical digestion is the breakdown of food into smaller pieces without chemical change to the food molecules.
It is mainly carried out by the chewing action of the teeth, the churning action of the stomach and the emulsification of fats by bile in the duodenum.
Teeth are held firmly in the bone of the jaw.
They are used for chewing to increase the surface area of the food so that it can be exposed to saliva and other digestive juices and broken down more quickly.
The differing shapes and sizes of teeth enable them to perform slightly different functions:
Incisors - chisel-shaped for biting and cutting.
Canines - pointed for tearing, holding and biting.
Premolars and molars - larger, flat surfaces with ridges at the edges for chewing and grinding up food.
What are the common dental conditions?
What are the ways to keep our teeth to be healthy?