#physics #kineticenergy #karthikeyan
A moving object has kinetic energy.
The greater the mass and the greater the speed , the more kinetic energy an object has.
Friction reduces kinetic energy and makes things hotter.
kinetic energy , more or less
If an object is moving faster ,it has more kinetic energy.
If two objects are moving at the same speed , the one with more mass has more kinetic energy.
1.What are the 4 types of kinetic energy?
2.What is the kinetic energy of a 150 kg object that is moving with a speed of 15 m/s?
3.What are 2 common examples of kinetic energy?
4.What is the unit of kinetic energy?
5.Can kinetic energy create heat?
6.What is the formula for ek?
7.What does kinetic energy depend on?