Amal had chicken and rice for lunch . It gave him lots of energy . The food that we lots of energy . The food that we eat gives us energy .
But how did the energy get into the food ?
The energy in our food began in the sun . Energy from the sun reaches the earth in sunlight.
Plants use energy from sunlight goes into the food that the plant stores inside its roots , stems and leaves.
When an animal eats the plant , it eats the plant's food stores . This is how the animal gets energy.
We can show how the energy passed from the sun into the rice , and then into Amal's body ,by drawing a food chain.
The arrows in the food chain show the energy passing from one thing to another.
Producers and consumers
The first organism in a food chain is always a plant . Plants use energy from sunlight to produce food . They are called producers.
Animals cannot make food using sunlight . They have to eat ready -made food .They consume (eat) plants or other animals. They are called consumers.
1. What is an apex predator?
2.How does energy flow in a food web?
3.What happens to energy as it moves up the food chain?
4.What is a decomposer and what role does it play in a food web?
5.How can disruptions in a food web affect an ecosystem?
6. What are trophic levels?