EMS: Oceans and fisheries, page no 125
Seawater is a complex mixture containing a variety of dissolved chemicals and materials, each playing a significant role in the ocean's chemistry and the broader environmental process. Many materials in the oceans have been eroded from the land, where rain and wind break down rocks. These particles and dissolved substances are carried into the oceans via rivers. Some of these substances can be extracted directly, including:
Salt: Salt is often added to processed foods (such as canned foods and especially salted foods, pickled foods, and snack foods or other convenience foods), where it functions as both a preservative and a flavouring. Dairy salt is used in the preparation of butter and cheese products.
Magnesium: Magnesium is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy. Magnesium is important for many processes in the body, including regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure and making protein, bone, and DNA. In building magnesium is used as part of a cement mixture and cast into thin cement panels.
Gold: Gold still occupies an important place in our culture and society – we use it to make our most prized objects: wedding rings, Olympic medals, money, jewellery, Oscars, Grammys, crucifixes, art and many more. In building gold carry's tiny currents which is used in connectors, switch and relay contacts, soldered joints, connecting wires and connection strips, many of which may be used in the service equipment of modern buildings. Gold has been used in buildings primarily for decoration.
Tin: Tin is widely used for plating steel cans used as food containers, in metals used for bearings, and in solder. In building a tin can wall is a wall constructed from tin can, which are not a common building source. The cans can be laid in concrete, stacked vertically on top of each other, and crushed or cut and flattened to be used as shingles. They can also be used for furniture.
Titanium: Titanium is as strong as steel but much less dense. It is therefore important as an alloying agent with many metals including aluminium, molybdenum and iron. These alloys are mainly used in aircraft, spacecraft and missiles because of their low density and ability to withstand extremes of temperature.
What materials are suitable for seawater?
Which metal is most produced from seawater?
What happens if sea water is mixed with cement?
What is the reason for not using sea and desert sand for construction?
What is salinity?
Importance of sea water?