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In species is the most basic unit of classification, as well as a taxonomy rank. The next taxonomic rank on the hierarchy of biological classification is a genus. On earth, there are currently 8.7 million species living today, however,that number is just a fraction of all organism that have ever lived.
The concept of specie dates back to the time of Aristoles. He used the term ‘’génos’’,
Which ment ‘’a king’’ [eg;fish], and’’eidos’’, which means ‘’a specific form’’ [eg; tuna, sardine etc]. These terms were eventually transplanted into Latin as ‘’genus’’ and ‘’species’’, though they do not correspond to the terms under the Linnaean taxonomy.
Define the term species = Species is defined as a group of organisms that consist of similar individuals capable of interbreeding or exchanging genes among themselves.
A species includes all of the organisms that may interbreed and produce viable offspring that is also capable of reproducing the same kind. Species are based on their ability to interbreeding,not on physical similarities.