The periodic table also known as the periodic table of elements are arranged in the form elements we are surrounded of , it is arranged in a row depending on the mass and features of the element.
Base of Periodic table
In our modern here is how a periodic table looks like :
This is how an Periodic table looks like but now lets look how it is segerigated, up over there you could see hydrogen , up hydrogen you can see 1 which is the atomic mass of the element. Atomic mass is the measurement of the mass of the element in the atomic level , hydrogen is the lighest element as it only has 1 proton. All of these elements have a short from Like H or Li , H is hydrogen while Li is lithium.
What are groups and periods in the periodic table?
Why are noble gases so inert?
Why are halogens so reactive?
Which element has zero valency?
Why do all the elements of same group have similar properties?
How can the valency of an element be determined if its electronic configuration is known?