What are the differences between private external and social benefits?
What are public goods?
What are the differences between merit and demerit goods?
What are the social benefits of public provision of education?
Private benefits are the benefits attained by a private firm, external benefit is the extra benefit of the third part in a private transaction, social benefit is the benefit of society when private benefit and external benefit combines and becomes as whole
Public goods are goods provided by the government to the people, these kind of goods help the people in their daily life and these type of goods are not provided by the private firms cause they have no profit from supplying these type of goods. For example - Street lights, public library and etc
Merit goods are goods that give good to the society but are supplied less and the poor can't afford, for example : school, house and etc. Demerit goods are goods which are bad for the society and they are inelastic products, for example- cigarettes
It can the make the society literate and can provide knowledge to many, Thats the social benefit of education
Mixed Economy System
Mixed economy system is a economy system of both planned economy and market economy
In a mixed economy the degree of involvement of private and public sectors are decided by the government
1.How does a mixed economy address the basic economic questions:
What to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce?
2.What are some advantages of a mixed economy?
3.What are some disadvantages of a mixed economy?
4.Can you give examples of countries with mixed economies?
5.How does government intervention in a mixed economy help achieve social objectives?
6.What role does the private sector play in a mixed economy?
7.How do mixed economies handle market failures?
8.What is the impact of a mixed economy on economic stability?