Communative law of addition
The communtive law of addition tells that if 2 or more numbers are added in different positions , the result shall remain the same.
The solution for 3 + 3 + 5 is similar to the solution for 3 + 5 + 3 and is also similar to 5 + 3 + 3 , if you add 3 of them , you would get 11
Associative law of addition
The associative law of addition is similar to the communative law of addition but in the associative law of addition it explains that adding number in the parentheses and outside the parenthesis wont make a different if the positions of the number and changed 0
Example : ( 33 + 5 ) + 3 is similar to ( 33 + 3 ) + 5 and is also similar to ( 3 + 5 ) + 33 , all of them will land up to the same result which is 41
The sum of two integers is always an integer.
Which property are we talking about?
Ans ) Closure property
2. For two integers a and p , a + p = p + a
Which property are we talking about?
Ans ) Communative law of addition
3. Mt. Everest has an elevation of 8,848 m above sea level. Mariana Trench's deepest point is 19,842 m lower than the height of Mt. Everest.
How many meters below sea level is the deepest point of Mariana Trench?
Ans ) Expression = 8,848 + a = 19,842
a = 19842 -- 8,848 = 10994