An idea you will get every time you learn economics is the idea of 4 factors of production. In one factor of the production process you will get outputs , but for outputs you will need many inputs like supplies , factory , people to work in the factories and etc , the idea of these is that all of these can be classified to the 4 factors of production which are Land,labor,Capital and entrepreneurship. These are all the requirements of a business.
Like land , people work in land but the context of land in economics is different as land could mean water , oxygen , energy or soil , in some ways we can take the first context as natural resources.
How can someone make or produce many things? They need people , for example if we have a farm we need people to plant the seeds , then only the crops grow. This is called labor. Labor is not forceful in economics , labor is like a job in economics unlike the real definition of labor
Capital is like tools to produce things , for example I have a business selling toys. To make those toys I need plastic , metal and more like machines. These are called capital where you use things to make the items you produce.
repreneurshipEntrepreneurship is when we put everything together to produce things , using land as natural contribution for our production , using labor as people who work for the production , capital as the modern equipments for our production
Every where you used your own words. Please use definitions to explain each terms in usual terminologies (you can copy paste it, but you must undestand that statement before doing it) After that you can use your own words to explain more.