1)Controls everything: The brain tells your body what to do, like moving, breathing, and even blinking.
2) Helps you think: It lets you solve problems, make decisions, and learn new things.
3) Keeps you safe: It makes sure you feel pain if something's wrong (like touching something hot) so you can react.
4) Stores memories: The brain remembers things, like your favorite foods, games, and friends.
5) Helps you feel emotions: It helps you feel happy, sad, excited, or scared.
6) Controls senses: It helps you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell things around you.
7) Makes you move: It tells your muscles how to move when you walk, run, or play.
The brain is made up of several parts, including the cerebrum, cerebel-
Anatomy of the brain
lum, brainstem, and lobes. o
The largest part of the brain, divided into left and right hemispheres o
Responsible for higher-level functions like reasoning, learning, and speech
The primary visual cortex, which interprets visual signals from the eyes, is located in the occipital lobe a
Located under the cerebrum, this part of the brain is responsible for balance and coordination of muscle movements o
Also known as the "little brain" o
Brainstem a
Connects the cerebrum and cerebellum to the spinal cord
Responsible for automatic functions like breathing, heart rate, and body temperature
Occipital lobe
Located at the back of the brain, this lobe is responsible for processing visual signals o
Temporal lobe
Located near the ears, this lobe is responsible for processing auditory information, memory, and language o
Parietal lobe
Located near the upper back of the skull, this lobe is responsible for integrating sensory inputs to help you understand your environment o
Frontal lobe
Located at the front of the brain, this lobe is responsible for reasoning, motor skills, and expressivele language
1. What part of the brain controls rational decision-making?
2. What part of the brain processes visual information?
3. How does the brain help you remember things?